Thanks to artist and friend, Paula Roland for nominating me for the FB Challenge I have had the pleasure of nominating wonderful artists to post their images on FB to be part of the FB Art Challenge. In total five artists will post 3 images a day for five days, Carlene Francis, Ciel Bergman, Maeve Eichelberger, Doug Wittenauer and Amy Winter. Our fun back and forth texts has warmed my heart and made me smile. Thanks friends. Here is a sample post of mine from Day Four; January 15, 2015.
“Today is Day Four of my Facebook Art Challenge. I was given this challenge by Paula Roland. Little did I know when I first met Paula in Santa Fe, NM how many times our paths would continue to cross. Paula is a truly special artist, teacher, and friend. I am posting three images from my Honest Work series. Based on the old adage “An honest days pay for an honest days work” Each painting has a story from my early years spent growing up in Youngstown, OH. To see and read more from this series see the Honest Work gallery at This brings me to my next nomination for the FB Art Challenge, my high school friend and an amazing photographer, Doug Wittenauer. Doug has told me he might not be able to find five people to nominate but that didn’t deter me from choosing him. He is an outstanding artist.Take it away Doug!”
Creme Puff, beeswax, ink, pigment on panel, 60 x 48 inches
Big City, beeswax, ink, pigment, and mixed media on panel, 48 x 60 inches
River on Fire, beeswax, ink, and pigment on panel, 60 x 48 inches